Home BlogEntreprenHEIR 10 Terrific reasons to start your business now

10 Terrific reasons to start your business now

by J.Renee
6 minutes read
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Everyone should have a WHY.  

Have you ever had to wonder what your reasons were for starting your business initially?  You questioned God if he really called you to pursue this venture.  Have times ever seemingly turned back as if the situation was not turning around for your good?  Every step forward resulted in 2 steps backward.  Maybe you have started a business and as time progresses you can’t help but feel burnt out.  You just want to throw up your hands and call it quits.  

When you can define your reasons to start your business, it makes staying on track easier.  Having a clear, concise understanding of why you are pursuing your path, allows you to filter through your choices.  This in return will grant you the free will to make decisions that will give you a greater fulfillment in your purpose.

Before planning for my big launch, the designing of a website, the typing of content, I had to make my reasons plain and honest.  When I identified my reasons, I could designate a business plan to fulfill my purpose. Here are my ten reasons for starting One Heiress Lane in order of their priority, one being the highest.

Reason to Start #1: Make a difference in the lives of others.

It is so important to me that everything I produce, my fruit, is beneficial to others. Before I began planning for One Heiress Lane I began to feel compelled to share a message with an audience hungry for hope, inspiration, and guidance. “Inspiration held is a seed. Inspiration shared is a flower.” If I want to see growth not only in my life but the lives around me, then I have to be willing to share skills and obstacles. critical for my success.

Reason to Start #2:  Confidence Builder.

One Heiress Lane is a gateway to next level thinking, living, and thriving. At the beginning of this year, 2018, I found myself constantly searching for a better version of myself in Christ. When God reminded me of the seed he planted in 2016, I prayed about it and began doing my research. Since my planning stages and announcing my launch to the public, I have become more confident in my ability to do what I set my mind to and be a greater child in Christ.

Reason to Start #3: Become a better thinking and writer.

A hobby for some years now is journaling. I adore writing about my day, my highs, my lows, my prayers, whatever comes to mind. When my day is complete it’s not the seconds, minutes, or hours that I recall—what does come to mind are the moments in time that construct lasting memories. It’s important for me to always see growth in everything I do. What better way to see growth than to write about your moments and reflect on them. Self-reflection has a way of changing your perspective on an experience.

Jennifer Porter, the Managing Partner of The Boda Group, stated in an article on hbr.org “Reflection gives the brain an opportunity to pause amidst the chaos, untangle and sort through observations and experiences, consider multiple possible interpretations, and create meaning. This meaning becomes learning, which can then inform future mindsets and actions.”

Reason to Start #4: Make good money passively.

I have not one person in my squad who doesn’t like to make money, and if the opportunity comes around to make it while I sleep, while on vacation, while grocery shopping all while doing what I love—I want in! Financial freedom is the end game.  

Reason to Start #5: Take ownership of my time.

Once time is gone, it is gone.  There aren’t any time machines available that grant us the opportunity to travel back in time for a redo.  This is why it is so important to live every moment in purpose. One Heiress Lane is about taking ownership of my time and breaking out of the box of “man’s ceiling” for me in relation to how I spend my time.

Reason to Start #6: Make great money actively.

In the lyrics of RiRi “Work, work, work, work, work, work. You see me do it der, der, der, der, der, der.” Don’t miss the first line, work. Understanding the work that I have to put in from designing One Heiress Lane apparel to researching concrete information to back up post can easily be overlooked. Co-Heirs it takes a consistent work ethic!

Reason to Start #7: It’s fun.

Photography, Graphics, Fashion, and Beauty are all right up my alley. I have an artist mind, so I am always looking at the harmony, balance, negative space…art majors you know where I am going with this. Anytime I tap into my passions and allow them to drive me I find myself having fun and enjoying life.

Reason to Start #8: It’s a challenge.

The first entry I wrote this year in my journal stemmed from one word, discipline. Now that I have surrendered to God’s will and stepped into my purpose I want to excel with what He has given me. Creating content for my readers on a consistent basis is a challenge that I am looking forward to. Not only is it about simply creating content, but more importantly the quality of my content. I am having to always think about how it relates to my target market.

Reason to Start #9: I can use it to cross promote.

If you don’t know much about me, the one thing you should know is that I like to push others past their limits. I love connecting with other Creatives who are awesome doers! One Heiress Lane is a catalyst for Co-Heirs around the world to Aspire, Become, and Connect with their purpose. Out of this reason birthed “Women Who Roar”. 

Reason to Start #10: It’s relatively inexpensive to step out.

I did my research and I planned before I purchased anything. To say I invested one hundred and fifty dollars to start-up One Heiress Lane is a small sacrifice that I saved up for in a matter of three months. I know what it is like to have a tight budget and very little to work with. When you see value in yourself and your purpose take the leap and invest! Whether it takes a few days or months to save, it does not matter, as long as you are saving.

Could you resonate with any of these WHYs? If so, which one, what is your why? If you have yet to launch your business take a moment to think about what is holding your back. Could it be the fear of what others will think, or fear that you might actually succeed? Whatever it is I would love to help you get around it.

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Hello! I’m J.Renee, the Content Creator and Owner of One Heiress Lane.  Welcome to my corner of the internet!

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