by J.Renee
3 minutes read
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I lost touch with the universe inside of me.

I did not always think beyond where I was.

As a child I would, many of times, dress up as a princess pretending I had a castle, fancy clothes, and a prince to sweep me off of my feet.  I always had the desire and compelling imagination to be more than I was.  I knew there was a universe inside of me, I only had to the escape the boundaries of my mind.

CONFESSION: Somewhere between building “my size” castles out of corrugated boxes and once neatly folded bed sheets to seeking for my prince—I lost touch with the universe inside of me.

How was it that a little girl with so much potential, beauty, and big dreams for herself could settle? Settle for being so foolish with no plans for tomorrow. Content with a guy more passionate about himself than her?

“I can never understand why I’m depending on a guy to make me feel like I was special—I am special when I’m mine.  Keep running on in circles I was such a slave for love.  Now that I know better, I know better of my worth.  I was young and I was foolish giving up my heart so easy to someone who didn’t love me like I do.  I was young and I was foolish all I needed was my spirit and someone will come and love me like I do.”

Jhene’ Aiko – Artist

When I tapped into the truth

CONFESSION: My standards changed when I tapped into the truth about who I am and whose I am. No longer did I accept the mediocre advancements in life. I began to demand more for myself. I repositioned myself to be the best version of me that God created me to be.

Do you recall the day your perspective changed and you realized you were created for greater? A childhood movie favorite of mine called the “Princess Diaries”. In this movie, a teenager named Mia Thermopolis discovers the overwhelming news that she’s a real-life princess. As the Heir Apparent to the crown of Genovia, her claim could not be set aside by the birth of another heir. Convinced by those in her circle to overcome whatever fear, insecurities, and disbelief she had to step into her rightful position.

Here I stand.

Seventeen years later, little did I know, I too would be convinced. I overcame fears, insecurities, and disbelief I had to step into my rightful position as an Heiress Apparent. Despite the battles, the party girl phase, numerous failed relationships, the search of belonging, validation, and purpose, it never tainted my claim to the throne.

CONFESSION: I am here, courageously stepping out, putting all fear and doubt behind me.

Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment that something is more important than fear.

–Ambrose Redmoon

Though our journeys may not be the same, we share the same space. 

No Regrets. No looking back now. Until next time, live in purpose.



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6 years ago

I love you J.Renee’ ! You’re my inspiration!!

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