Home BlogEntreprenHEIR How to finish your 2019 goals even if you haven’t started

How to finish your 2019 goals even if you haven’t started

by J.Renee
2 minutes read

2020 is going to be your year—if you want it. I know it’s going to be mine, that’s why I have started planning already by ending 2019 stronger than ever! Don’t give up on your dreams just because we are at the end of the year. Let your New Year start today at this very second while you are reading this post. With a month and a half left of 2019, you still have plenty of time to accomplish your goals and take action.

The not-so-secret

The not-so-secret to ending this year on a bang is to stop spending time on tasks that won’t bring you closer to your goal.

We become so easily distracted in this fast-paced, changing world we live in today. We have so many things fighting for our attention daily. If it’s not your relationships, it’s your responsibilities at your job, the newest episode of your favorite show, constant ad pop-ups, social media highlights, seasonal sales, and the list goes on.

All the noise

Do you ever feel like your thoughts are scattered, but yet crowded? I have. I have had moments when I felt rushed, behind schedule, and somewhat overwhelmed because of everything I had going on in my life. And even when you get those moments alone in silence to breathe, the noise can still be heard.

Your next question may be how I deal with all the noise? For me, it starts with writing it down. I keep my WWR Planner (shameless plug: get your 2020 copy here) open at all times, my journal, and sticky notes on hand. When a thought arises, I write it down and tend to it later. Believe it or not, this little exercise works! Doing this small duty keeps me focused on the tasks that bring me closer to my goal.

Be intentional

You have to become intentional about your choices to ensure you are making the best decisions at all the time. When you plan your life, you gain control over your time, rather than leaving things up to chance, or worse, letting others make decisions for you.

There’s no better time than now. Would you like to receive a free copy of my 90-day Planner? You can get started mapping out your goals and achieving them 1 day at a time. Download your copy here.

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