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It’s Not Too Late to Finish the Year Strong

by J.Renee
3 minutes read
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It doesn’t matter how well you start if you fail to finish.

Do you sense that?

Every year when the Fall months roll around, this eerie feeling begins lurking–not because of Halloween or anything. You probably know exactly what I am talking about. You know, like the ending of a Looney Tunes cartoon when Porky Pig ruptures through a bass drum head in his attempt to close the show, “Th-Th-The, Th-Th-The, Th-Th… That’s all, folks!”

That’s the same for many of us when we have not seen our plans unfold as we thought they would. We throw in the towel and call it quits because if it didn’t happen in the past 287 days, how it will happen in 78 days is a concept that is beyond you.  

I have good news for you; that is not all, folks! God is the God of the impossible. Luke 1:37 reads, “For nothing will be impossible with God.” and Philippians 4:13 endorses the thought that you can, “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”

Recognize your gifted moments.

I immediately went into a meditation about these increments of life gifted to us to live a purpose-filled life. Did you know, on average, a person at rest takes about 16 breaths per minute? This means we breathe about 960 breaths an hour, 23,040 breaths a day, so we will take approximately 2,442,240 more breaths this year!

Imagine what God can do in just one breath!

Just in case you thought you did not have the time to accomplish any of your “vision board” goals this year, this morning should have been a reminder to you, as it was to me, that YOU. HAVE. TIME!


Just like me, if you are building a brand to any degree, you have probably asked the questions, “How can I appeal to more people? How can I grow my following? How do I gain more customers?” Well, we just got the answer today.

“And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”

John 14:13-14

How you make your name great is by making His name great! Of course, sought-after-success has various steps that call for your participation and consistency, but the first step, the first breath, your why, has to be committed to fulfilling God’s plan.

I heard God speaking when Lady Leah proposed the question asked of her from God, “What do you believe I can do with ten more days?” This question directly challenged my thoughts as God continued to speak through her. “The “what” is not my worry. How are you asking me? Allow me to reintroduce myself. Pull-on me. Reannounce my name! Make me public! Utilize this power!”

Take Action!

Think about all you can achieve in these 78 days left if you apply yourself through effective prayer, that asks and desires what Jesus delights in and active works. There is no failure with consistency. My routine schedule may not look like the next blogger or aspiring entrepreneur, and that is okay. God’s plan for me entails specific instructions tailored to my success in Christ Jesus. I’m reminded of a song by our Sister-in-Christ, Beyonce called “Say my name.” You know the lyrics, don’t play. LOL

That’s the very thing Jesus is saying to us, “Say my name, say my name.”

Say it Sis’, Say it!

Next Step: Don’t sit on that dream, put some action behind it. Download my Free Sampler “Vision Board Party Planher”. This packet is meant to break the mundane, ineffective task of making a wish list. Your vision board should be a visual strategic plan for achieving your goals.

Would you rather have the Full Workbook Packet that entails 54 pages with worksheets? Purchase your digital copy HERE.

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