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Map out and achieve your 90 day goals in 3 steps.

by J.Renee
4 minutes read
90day workbook-mockup

What is it with the feeling we get from time to time when we are doing just one thing at a time?  You know it’s that feeling that I could or should be doing more, and other times as if I, wasteful and not productive.  I heard a wise man say the only difference between your dreams and goals is a date.

Co-Heirs it’s time to rethink the way you work, socialize, and live your life.  With this 90-day goal planner, you can begin to map out and achieve your goals.  Simply follow the steps below and complete them in order.

Come to find out, when we multitask our way through the day we are not doing ourselves any favors.  My mother-in-law encourages me to do one thing at a time, complete it, then move on to the next task.  It is easier said than done in my opinion, but research shows that multitasking is not nearly as efficient as we like to believe, and can even be harmful to our health.  

I am too thrilled on hearing how you conquered your goals.  Praying for this to be a helping resource to kickstart your business, a project, or simply to everyday household duties.  Download your free workbook here.

1. Write your goals all down.

Pen and Pad goal planning

Write down everything you want to achieve for your business goals. Don’t think too much in detail, just use the space below to get out all of your ideas.

Writing your tasks down will give you a clear vision so your business and team if you have one, can have a sense of direction and inspiration to follow through with.

Examples: Branding, Digital Products, Newsletter, ECourse, YouTube Channel, Pinterest, etc 

2. Focus.

Focus on your goals

Focus, Focus, Focus.  This section is all about living each day in purpose. You have a lot of great tasks you want to achieve, but there is no way to do them all at once while being productive and efficient.  Have you ever set a goal and began to fail before its completion?  It’s not that you’re setting goals that are unrealistic, but because they lacked a strategy and smart plan to execute them it becomes easy to lose your way and become overwhelmed.

Therefore, we now need to choose which goals are a priority.  Only select 3 goals that you want to conquer over the next 90 days.  Why 90 days?  Your business goals will probably change after those 90 days and after completing these goals.  So write down your 3 goals in the order of your priority.  If you complete your goals prior to your 90 days, go through this process again and plan your next 90 days.

The goal of breaking down the tasks is to turn them into doable plans of action.  Make sure these goals are S.M.A.R.T. ( Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-based).  You want to choose the option that is the simplest, swiftest, and fairly inexpensive for you to create which can make money or grow your list while you work on other tasks.

3. Plan it.

Weekly Goal Planner

Now you want to plan out how to conquer these goals for one week at a time using actionable steps.  

For example, if your number one priority is to create an ebook, you are going to focus on creating the ebook for a full week.  You will not work on anything else except the ebook. 

Therefore, your action steps for that week could be gathering content, gathering images, designing the book, creating a place to sell the ebook, and then creating a funnel to your ebook.  If you only have a couple hours each day to work on the ebook then you might need to block off two weeks.  Just remember, you are not to work or focus on anything else so plan accordingly.

We are not good at multi-tasking.  The more tasks you work on, the less you will get done.  Switching from project to project actually slows us down. All of your goals need you to show up for yourself every single day and demand persistence and tenacity. Discipline is the ultimate key.

Set out some time at the end of the month to reflect back on the prior weeks.  During this time assess what worked, what could have been done better, and what still needs to be done in the month(s) to come.  Each review should give you the thrill of knowing you actually finished what you set out to do, and in the case, it didn’t work out as planned, the review gives you the opportunity to recalibrate your goals and tasks.  Read how being proactive is transformative for your growth here.

Time to get busy

You got this, now download your 90day workbook here to get started!  If you like this workbook then why not sign up for my newsletter to get notified everytime I post new content and more freebies!  What other printables do you need to make life more simple?

Until next time, live in purpose.

xoxo J.Renee

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