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Obedience is Better Than Sacrifice.

by J.Renee
5 minutes read
JRenee studying and reading Remember Me

“Obedience is better than sacrifice.” I am not just saying this either. Please read it for yourself in 1 Samuel 15:22. Sooo….this just happened! Well, it was actually yesterday, but I’m still that hype about it!

Obedience to Listen to the Voice Within

There I was preparing for my doctor’s appointment and getting close to running late if I did not get out of the house within the next five minutes. I heard a voice within telling me to grab one of my books on the way out. Without any more thought, I continued to prepare myself to leave the house. Again the voice within nudged me to grab one of my books. I paused for a moment and questioned myself, “Why would I need to grab one of my books for my doctor’s appointment?” Without clarity, I hurried downstairs to grab a book, and I began to package in the same manner as all my purchased books.

I could not think why this would be important at this time. My inner thoughts juggled feelings of “I’m just-a… and why would I give this to my doctor? She isn’t going to read this.”

Obedience to Prepare before the Opportunity

Well, during the wrapping up of my appointment, my doctor got to talking about Christian women wives who have written books. She commented that she too should write a book, except hers would be from a Christian Doctor Wife perspective. Yall God rolled out the red carpet for me on this one! Moreover, I found my opening to announce, “I wrote a book.” She smiled (not that I could see because we all wear masks these days, but her eyes said it all) and asked, “Really? What is it about?” I twisted to open my bag, and there I was, feeling like David Ruffin pulling off his trench coat to reveal his metallic vest, blue performance suit underneath, “Daannnng!!”

She paused at the cover and pointed with joy, “This is you!” Then she began to shuffle through the pages, and there was no doubt in my mind that she was impressed. She said, “This is nice, okay, so I want one. How much do I owe you?” I insisted she keep it with pleasure as I recalled God’s instructions to give away fifty. “Okay, we need to talk,” she said as if we were long-time friends. “We have women who come here every day, and I know this would bless many. I want to make this a resource for them. If you bring ten books back here, we will have them placed on the front table, and when I talk to a woman that I feel would benefit from this, I will ensure she gets a book.”

I left that appointment in awe of God’s blessing to be a blessing! The thought of 10 women being blessed by my story and seeing God’s glory has me hype. Immediately leaving the office, I thought of my big sis Lakiesha and reached out. She articulated life over this book before it was even entirely together. She spoke to my future and the lives in wait for my obedience! Her words echo in my ear every day. She saw the leaps and bounds this ministry could go, the places God wanted to take my testimony. All this was when I wasn’t even dreaming bigger than completing the book.

Obedience to Bless the Lord at All Times

I know the enemy was mad! Out of all the times, I have dropped my phone, it has never broken or cracked. While I was getting out of the car to go grocery shopping, I fumbled my phone. “Oh, I know you hate that happened!” a voice shouted out from not far off. Cheerfully, without a care, as I bent over to pick up the phone, I responded, “Oh no I am not worried I drop this phone all the time! Thankfully I have my case!”

Yall, (pause for effect), the screen was cracked when I turned my phone over! For a brief moment, my merry thoughts began to crack like my screen. I spoke aloud to myself, “Jessica, don’t let this get you down. Celebrate despite. Refocus your mind on what God is doing, and don’t allow something as minor as this phone to get you down. The devil is just mad…oh no, he BIG mad!”

The Duties are Ours, but the Events are the Lords.

Co-Heirs, had I gone based on my understanding, I would have missed the window of opportunity to be a blessing beyond my circle of reach. I asked God to forgive me for underestimating His sovereignty in that split second of a moment. How dare I act as if this book is not worthy of being in the homes of doctors and women worldwide because I am just a girl from North Carolina.

From now on I will push and market this book to its full potential. Like my girl said, “Don’t you dare let your foot off the gas! ALL GAS, ALL FAITH, ALL GOD! I’m driving this thing, but God is my GPS, and where He is about to take me, I don’t know, but I am ready! Wow, this last part sounds like my state of mind in my pregnancy journey when I accepted my desire was a baby.

Sorry, not sorry if you get tired of reading posts about it and seeing pictures because I am operating my lane!

Purchase “Remember Me” HERE

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