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How to recover and maintain your passion.

by J.Renee
4 minutes read

Strategy 1: Your Passion | Chapter 3

Fervent by Priscilla Shirer

Book Review | Pg. 25-38

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Immediately jumping to this chapter Pricilla comes direct. I love how she takes the time to point out ways the enemy will strategize to work against us. This introduction is an eye-opener to the calculated plans the enemy is executing or is formulating right now to damper my passion. “If I were your enemy” shines the light on “the difficulties he’s stirring up beneath the surface of our lives.” I want to be aware of his tactics, his influence, and his power. These strategies will help me remember to pray and be deliberate in my request.

“If I were your enemy, I’d see to dim your passion, dull your interest in spiritual things, dampen your belief in God’s ability and His personal concern for you, and convince you that the hope you’ve lost is never coming back—and was probably just a lie, to begin with.”

Priscilla Shirer

Priscilla descriptively identifies passion on many levels of pursuit. Overall she says “passion is the fuel in the engine of your purpose. It’s your “want to.” It’s what keeps you going when mundane task bore you, or difficult ones dissuade you. Passion is what keeps you moving in the direction your best intentions want you to go.”

Have You Lost Your Passion?

As I continued to read I took a moment to really reflect on this year thus far when I reached the point of the text to reflect. Priscilla suggested I take an in-depth look at myself and answer this question: “Have you lost your passion? Has your get-up-and-go simply gotten-up-an-gone?”

I really began evaluating myself after reading this. I no longer wake up at 4 in the morning to get started on my blog, workout, pray. Instead, I sleep in the bed until about 6:30am, or to psych myself out—I set my alarm for 5am to only snooze until 6:30am. “Hey, well at least I tried” I’ll tell myself. After work, I go home, have dinner while watching Hulu or Netflix. I tell myself “Just 1 episode, then off to do some work.” Then I end up 4 episodes in, in bed with no desire to do anything else. Whether I want to admit it or not, yes my passion is fading, and I need to do something about it. Other demands and distractions have taken priority. The push to outperform my very own expectations is being pushed to the side.

The Issue is Not All You

Just as I was beginning to examine and discuss my character, Priscila proposed another question. “When you can’t seem to respond to spiritual stimuli with the same optimism and obedience as you once did, why do you think it could only be attributable to your bad character? It was as if she was physically sitting before me having a one on one conversation. “Maybe another less noticeable but equally probable reason is that you’ve been a victim of satanic sabotage.” What!!!? I did not take the time to think of this as a possible reason. The issue was all me, my bad habits, my start-and-stop ways. “It’s a strategy. Against you. On purpose. An assault launched with pinpoint planning and detail.” This is something to get serious about—a true “aha!” moment.

It’s a strategy. Against you. On purpose. An assault launched with pinpoint planning and detail.

Priscilla Shirer

It started with me telling myself simple things like “I don’t feel like it this morning.” Next, “Well since you stayed up later last night, you can sleep in this once.” Then, “I just don’t have the time anymore like I use to now that I am working a full-time job.” Now here I am wondering “Where did I go wrong, where’d my desire go, and is it even possible for me?”

A Great Place to Start

Today, right here, and right now is a great place to start. It’s a great place to start praying for God’s help in recovering and maintaining my passion. Pricilla reminded me my prayers can be silent. Anywhere could be my prayer closet. I can start with an obedient appointment, and an act of discipline, no more reason than because I said I would.

No regrets, no looking back now. Until next time, live in purpose.

XOXO, J.Renee

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