This Means War | Chapter 1
Fervent by Priscilla Shirer
Book Review | Pg. 1-8
Get you copy of Fervent HERE
In the introduction of this book, Priscilla comes out the gate addressing this book being one about taking action in our prayer life. She quotes “We simply don’t have the luxury of playing nice with prayer. Not if we want things to change.”
This is where the reading becomes a true ministry because this woman begins preaching to me. If we were in a holy ghost filled Baptist church I am sure the congregation would go into an uproar as Priscilla goes on a tangent about “Not if we want…”.
She mentions as long a prayer remains an afterthought, a formality, a mindless mix of duty and manipulation, something we do but usually don’t do, and rarely if ever do with a meaning and vitality, with confidence and clarity—no matter how badly we want things to happen, none of it will. This statement immediately stood out on the front line to me. It was here that I began to make a declaration in my life that I would no longer waste my years doing other things that did not bring forth the results I seek.
As long a prayer remains an afterthought, a formality, a mindless mix of duty and manipulation, something we do but usually
Priscilla Shirerdon’t do, and rarely if ever do witha meaning and vitality, with confidence and clarity—no matter how badly we want things to happen, none of it will.
Praying with Precision is Key
“Prayer is our not-so-secret weapon in a fight—our most potent one. Prayer is the portal that brings the power of heaven down to earth. It is kryptonite to the enemy and to all ploys against (us).”
Priscilla Shirer
In the past, I have found myself praying from a place of familiarity, general scope, an overview of things. You know those prayers that sound like “Lord bless my family. Touch the mother at the church who requested prayer. Thank you for another day. Show me how I should go, Lord.” In this chapter, Priscilla proclaims “Praying with precision is key.”
My words have to have direction with real consideration for the specific, I will repeat “specific,” ways the enemy is targeting us and God’s promise to us that apply directly to our lives. The word “specific” was my aha moment. Yes God knows all, but when we are in conversation with one another because this is what prayer is. There should be some dialogue back and forth between you and God.
Our Not-So-Secret Weapon
Priscilla says “Prayer is our not-so-secret weapon in a fight—our most potent one. Prayer is the portal that brings the power of heaven down to earth. It is kryptonite to the enemy and to all ploys against (us).”. If you weren’t aware let me serve notice to you now, we are in battle daily. Grace be unto us; it is a winning battle when you are fighting correctly in prayer.
The Lord covenant in Isaiah 54:17 “no weapon formed shall prosper.”. In other words, weapons made to attack you won’t be successful. These weapons, these personalized strategies to “destroy your vibrancy and render you defeated” are spiritual.
The Battle is Not Yours; It’s the Lord’s.
This book is for the one who is sick of losing daily battles. Fed up with watching people and things surrounding them deteriorate. If we want to win the fight, we have to understand whose battle it is initially. It’s not ours; it’s the Lord’s. How do I know this?
In my studies, I am reminded of a story in Second Chronicles chapter 20 verses 1-15. When Jehoshaphat got word about the great multitude coming up against him, he became afraid and sought the face of the Lord. He proclaimed a fast and stood before his people to pray. Jehoshaphat reminded God, in his prayer, of His Word to hear and save those who cry to him in their time of affliction. He recalled God’s magnificent power and might. How none could stand against Him. And how He delivered Israel from the hand of the enemy. What I love most in this prayer was the humble submission in verse 12. “For we are powerless against this great horde that is coming against us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”
I have to attest that this is Gods plan for each and every one of us—in the words of Priscilla “to move you into (the) position of impact by infusing you with truth and employing you in prayer.”
In verse 15 when the Lord spoke through the prophecy of Jahaziel, He said: “Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed at this great horde, for the battle is not yours but God’s.”. In other words, you will not be doing the fighting, God will. You only need to exercise your faith as prayerful spectators. So if you are ready to become fervently relentless in Jesus name, then it’s time you get suited up and take your rightful position.
Until next time, no regrets no looking back now. Live in purpose.