Regardless of your industry, it is good to have a great networking circle. When I started blogging this past August, I started to look for networking opportunities to build relationships. As Dr. LaTonya Tyson mentioned in her interview, read it HERE, “Networking will expose and cover (your) shortcomings. Meeting individuals that have mastered subject areas other than your specialty allow for you to be the best at what you do.”
I am always looks for women who are excelling in their roles as EntreprenHERs. Shameless plug, if you are a “Woman Who Roars” and would love a feature on our blog, we would love to have you, go HERE. This is a list of my top 3 female bloggers who I have connected with and grown to support and love. Each one specializes in an area highlighted on my blog.
Business and Finance
Coin Countin Mama
Blog launch Date: August 5, 2018
How we Connected
I am not too sure how Shatoria and I met on IG, but all I know is that since day one the love and support to see one another grow has been mutual. Though I have never met my girl in a face to face encounter, she has easily become one of my favorite ladies that I have connected with.
Her Blog
Shatoria created Coin Countin Mama for parents who need a quick escape from the pile of clothes sitting in the dryer or the overwhelming amount of dishes that are piled in the sink. Her blog is intended to inspire and empower people to make smart financial decision while holding herself accountable as she documents her financial journey.
Though I am not a mother, her blog is still an awesome asset to my financial goals. As a college student who did not make the best choices when it came to student loans, much like many others, I borrowed more than I needed to have extra monies for the semester. I did not take into full consideration what payments would look like after graduation. My attitude was “I will deal with that when it comes”, and girl did Sally Mae COME! Now 2 years post-grad, I am still dealing with student loans.
Subscibe to her blog if you want to save $500 in 30days! You get an instant download of her 30-day money challenge worksheet. Let’s make some money hunnies!
Flawbess with Bre
Blog launch Date: Septeber 2, 2018

How we Connected
Meet my girl Breanna Powell! She is a woman with a vision and more importantly God’s vision. I met Bre, as many call her, through Instagram while engaging with others. Long story short I one day spotted her in a picture announcing her up and coming blog launch. This one exactly on August the 29th.
This was not just any picture, but it was a place of familiarity. After a few seconds of study, it obviously did not take long, a light bulb went off…“Oak Hollow Lake”! Instantly I reached out and connected with her. To have another blogger so close by, launching shortly after me, figuring this entire #bloggerlife out—I had to add her to my circle of “getting to know”. This was a Tuesday yall, and we met that Friday for dinner. The rest Co-Heirs is history.
Her Blog
Bre’ describes herself as being “just a 20-something, God-fearing, Beyoncé-loving, twice-degreed Black woman working hard to see the strength in my weaknesses and the blessings in my imperfections.” Her lifestyle Blog constantly publishes inspiration, encouragement and resources to help you see the blessings in your imperfections.
From weekly affirmations to community business features you are bound to find inspiration from your initial click onto her site. Oh, so you are more into fashion? Don’t worry she has great finds and buys for you. This Co-Heir has me “WOKE” when it comes to Charlotte Russe with this post right HERE. Check out her Imperfection apparel HERE.
Fashion and Beauty
Launch date: 2014

I wish I could say I have had the pleasure of meeting this Co-Heir right here, but I have not as of yet. I began following her on IG when my cousin Kuan attended her last blogger bootcamp in August. She is the third one from your right on the front row! Though I am still waiting more details of what she learned (side eye to Kuan), she mentioned that she learned a lot and met some really awesome ladies.
Initially, probably because of my love for pink, when I landed on Majesty page I was locked in! Then she really came through when she made her day view with a new girl, this pink wig is EVERYTHING!
Her blog
She created this site as a destination to share her collection along with post related to fashion, beauty, and lifestyle advice. She is a wife, boutique owner, and blogger based in Charlotte, NC. As she journeys through each season of life, she loves sharing new experiences, style tips, product reviews, and so much more with my readers.
If you are looking for your fix on fashion, look no further. She keeps it feminine chic and pink—what a great combination. Check out her boutique HERE.
Co-heirs follow and support these ladies. I’m interested to know who you have connected with, or have been following and why, so leave your comments below.