Writing About Me.
Every successful website has an About Me page. It is this page that gives you a greater insight of the company, person, or people behind the scenes. Your About Me page can make the core connection between you and your target audience, or turn them away. Therefore, being honest and transparent about who you are is vitally important.
When it came to constructing my About Me page, I initially thought this would be a piece of cake. I figured I just had to start somewhere. Who knows me better than me, right—at least that’s what I thinking. I began writing about who I was, what I liked to do, when I started my journey, where I lived, and how I got started designing, and why I wanted to blog. When I finished—it was a good start, but in my opinion it wasn’t intriguing like the other bloggers I was following.
Their about me pages seemed to all be in third person with listings of their accomplishments, magazines, and TV shows they have featured in, and here I am with none of that to start off. I wasn’t sure if what I thought about myself would really resonate with a potential reader like the perspective of someone who knows me.
Why, why, why is it so difficult when it comes to writing about myself. I know my strengths, my past accomplishments, and my achievements better than anyone else. When you came to this part of building your brand did you experience the same obstacle?
I then asked my hubby to say some great things about me so I could type it up and use it for my bio. Do you know what he asked? “Do you not know who you are? Why do you need me to say something about you? If you can’t come up with your own bio, then you might need to rethink what you are doing.” My response “Sigh…dude.”
Being married to a strong leader, such as himself, always challenges me to think on a level higher. Read more about me here.
My Biggest Mistake.
My biggest mistake—Comparing myself to others. This kind of behavior will get you no where pretty fast. Comparing yourself to others leaves you always doubting yourself. You will never accomplish your goals neither soar in your lane, because your focus is no longer fixated on your dream—yet on competing with the next person.
You have to believe in yourself enough to be secure in where YOU ARE in YOUR journey. Not sure what your faith walk is like but scriptures like Psalms 139 give me a peace of mind that I am in my right lane. Verse 1 and 18 of this chapter reads “1You have searched me, and known me…18I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

Everything that I am, and everything that I will be is already known unto God. Imperfect and consistently in a state of becoming, I am still fearfully and wonderfully made.

What ever your About Me page consist of about you know that it is a one of kind, because it speaks about who you are and no one can do you better than you!
No one can do you better than you!
No regrets, no looking back now. Until next time, live in purpose.